Two Workouts That Build the Biceps and How to Perform Them

Josh Vignona portrait
Josh Vignona

With a degree in economics at SUNY Albany in New York, Josh Vignona serves as a senior manager in Tampa, Florida, managing programs and projects. In addition, Josh Vignona enjoys keeping fit in his free time.

Located on the upper arm’s forepart, the biceps, also known as bicep brachii, is a significant flexor muscle that helps bend the arm. In addition, it would be best to develop the muscle since it ensures the upper body operates properly.

The chin-up gives your biceps excess weight to lift as an exercise that develops the biceps massively. In addition, the exercise improves your shoulders and grip. With your hands slightly wide or around shoulder-width, you can hang from an overhead bar using a supinated grip( your palms face your direction) for this exercise. Next, it would be best to tighten your shoulder blades and draw up your body. Finally, your chin should be above or at the bar before you allow your body to tuck inwards.

The hammer curl workout aims at improving arm thickness by focusing on your forearm and outer biceps. Since your wrist maintains a neutral position during this exercise, you can become comfortable. You should stand erect while possessing a dumbbell in each hand for this workout. Afterward, you can rotate your wrists to face each other and maintain tucked arms, placing them at your sides. You may now curl the dumbbells upward to your shoulders by bending your elbows. Having done so, it would be best to place the dumbbells low carefully.


Author: Josh Vignona

I’m Josh Vignona and #bizleisure has become a lifestyle. For me, business travel life is tied in with living at the time and place you are in and getting a charge out of the entirety of the encounters that encompass my day. Follow my Blog and Social!

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